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Students who are trying to learn the target language (TL) work hard during class! 


Research finds that the best language learners:


A) Pay attention to details; How do others sound when they speak?  What is the meaning behind what is being said?


B) Practice, even while others speak


C) Can put up with being uncertain


D) Try their best to accurately guess


Learning the TL requires full participation and self-discipline to include verbal repetition, listening skills, concentration and focus. 


The average student needs to hear the vocabulary they are trying to aquire at least 16 times before they can produce it correctly.  Attaching the meaning to the vocabulary is different from pronuciation. 


As the teacher, I try to engage them while 'inputting' the language as much as possible.  Eventually, they are encouraged to 'output' or produce the language which is very fun to observe!


I hope each student ENJOYS some aspect of learning the language but I am passionate about guiding them to be able to function in the TL by the time they graduate CCA.  For example, if they were to travel to a spanish speaking country they will be able to create basic sentences, ask and answer simple questions and handle a simple situation or transaction.  What a gift that would be!



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